We’re probably all tired of hearing the phrase “The New Normal,” but we know that with changes brought by COVID that learning and the role of L&D will never be the same. This is a year of transformation – a sort of L&D mid-life crisis.
But what are we transforming into? In many ways L&D is coming face to face with its own mortality in a change or die scenario. Traditionally, we’ve relied on surveys and happy sheets to prove ourselves, knowing that what we are building has value – the value of learning and driving learning culture. But how do we prove it to our partners in the business? A new piece of tech or buying that cool motorcycle can take us only part of the way. In order to survive and thrive, it’s time to look at it in a new way and take advantage of this transformational moment to re-evaluate our own L&D business strategy.
Join Charles Jennings (of Tulser and Co-Founder of the 70-20-10 Institute), Diageo, and EdCast as we discuss 4 common L&D Business Models and how you can build Business Value into your L&D Strategy.
Thank you for joining us. Click here to watch the full webinar recording.